» POLICIES » Green Policy

Green Policy


In line with the University’s vision to become an internationally reputable university, UPM is committed to providing services and develop based on the principles of sustainable development and shared responsibility to improve the quality of life and ensure universal survival.

To achieve this goal, UPM is committed and strives, to the extend that it is practical, to:

  1. Provide awareness and education to stakeholders about sustainable development and universal survival.
  2. Conserve biological diversity in the natural and artificial environment at the University.
  3. Strive to reduce greenhouse gas emission that contribute to climate change through the efficient use of energy to avoid waste, and the use of alternative energy to reduce dependence on non-renewable resources.
  4. Reduce the production of all types of waste from all types of activities carried out at the University through the 4R programs (reduction, reuse, repair, recycling again).
  5. Manage waste through disposal and treatment processes in line with best practices.
  6. Reduce the use of treated water in daily activities at the University and encourage the use of untreated water such as rainwater and underground water.
  7. Reduce the use of private motor vehicles by increasing disabled-friendly public transport within and between campuses with public transport hubs around campus, and providing safer and more comfortable bicycle and pedestrian routes.
  8. Practice the concept of sustainable development in the management and planning of campus development and provide funds, as far as possible, for this purpose.

Updated:: 28/07/2023