» GREEN AMENITIES » Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is important in the reduction of carbon footprint. The use of renewable energy as an infinite natural energy resource meets the needs of the present energy utilization without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The rapid development and deployment of renewable energy also contributes greatly to job creations and the economy.

UPM and Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) – GSPARX Sdn. Bhd. signed a Supply Agreement with Renewable Energy Collaboration for the largest rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) system project for IPTA. UPM is also the pioneer for the installation of a floating solar panel on the lake known as AQUAVOLTAICS, which is the First Large Scale Integrated Hydroponic-Aquavoltaic project cum Eco-Tourism in the World.

This is in line with the direction of the university via the UPM Strategic Plan 2021-2025, which emphasize the elements of sustainability in research and innovation as well as strengthening the industry and community relations.

The installation of solar systems at 16 sites, including the UPM mosque, solar parking and lake with no upfront cost and a solar system with a capacity of 16.18 MWp, is expected to save RM114 million in electricity bills over the course of 25 years.

UPM also took a proactive step by establishing a committee that aims to study and analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of the solar project in UPM from the financial, technical and research aspects known as Solar for University's Research and Investment Accelerations (SURIA) Task Force.


Updated:: 28/07/2023